March 17, 2025
Reminder to Submit the Overnight 4-H Camp Notification Form
A new section was added to the 2024 Kansas 4-H Policy document relating to overnight 4-H camps outside of Rock Springs Ranch. It is important to know that the policy has not changed for overnight 4-H camps. Instead, it has been clarified with details in one location. Please refer to the Kansas 4-H Policy (11.2024), Section 3.6: 4-H Camp. There has been an item added, which is to notify the state about any overnight 4-H camps using the Overnight 4-H Camp Notification Form.
The Kansas 4-H Policy (11.2024), Section 3.6: 4-H Camp reads:
Kansas State University, K-State Research and Extension, and Kansas 4-H recognize Rock Springs 4-H Camp, independently owned and operated by the Kansas 4-H Foundation, Inc., as the camping model for Kansas 4-H. Rock Springs 4-H Camp provides the only pre-approved camp model for Kansas 4-H and should therefore be the first choice for the local Extension Districts and Extension Councils (together, “Local Extension Units”). It is understood that in limited circumstances distance may be a barrier to youth attending 4-H Camp at Rock Springs, and some Local Extension Units may desire to host a 4-H camp elsewhere. If a Local Extension Unit or group of Local Extension Units decide to host an overnight 4-H camp, they must adhere to the minimum requirements set forth by Kansas State University and Kansas 4-H Policy. Additionally, it is required that each Local Extension Unit complete a notification form ( to host an overnight camp outside of Rock Springs 4-H Camp no less than six months prior to the start of the overnight camp. By camping outside of the Rock Springs 4-H Camp, the Local Extension Unit release, indemnify, and hold harmless Kansas State University, K-State Research & Extension, and Kansas 4-H of any liability.
Due to the timing of this release and for 2025 only, Local Extension Units will need to have this form completed and emailed no less than 5 months prior to the state of the overnight camp.
If you have any questions, please contact Sarah Maass (