July 16, 2015
Fair Entry is now OPEN
Currently the Fair Entry system is open and is ready to take entries. This year our system dovetails nicely with 4-H Online. You will need to go to fairentry.com to enter your 4-H Online log in information on the right hand side of the page. This is a new system to everyone, so as you have questions please make sure to send those to the State 4-H Office so we can start building a Frequently Asked Questions document.
If you have not already, we would encourage you to log in and look around the system so you have a better feel for how the system will operate when it comes time to put your entries in.
As a friendly reminder, you can find information related to the Kansas State Fair by going to www.kansas4-H.org, clicking on Events and Activities, clicking on Fairs and Exhibitions and then clicking on Kansas State Fair. Here you will find the updated classes for the Kansas State Fair for 2015.If you have any problems with log in, please do not hesitate to contact Sarah Keatley.