July 16, 2015
Last Call for 2016 Kansas 4-H and FFA Wheat Variety Plots
It’s last call for members to enroll for the 2016 Kansas 4-H and FFA Wheat Variety Plot program. The program begins fall of 2015 and goes through September 2016. The enrollment form and program details are currently available at: http://www.kansas4-h.org/p.aspx?tabid=297. Members are asked to contact their local Extension Office by July 10 for information with enrollments due to the Northwest Area Extension Office by July 24, 2015. Cost for 2015-16 will again be $30.00 to receive the five varieties of wheat. This fee is now needed to contribute to the cost of the wheat varieties. It is very important that we know the number of participants early, so we can have enough seed and metal signs available for Extension agents and leaders to pick up at the Kansas State Fair. New participants will receive a free large plot sign, and five free individual variety signs. These will be distributed on Friday, September 11th at the 2015 Kansas State Fair.
Don’t forget to pull your wheat samples for the Kansas 4-H Wheat Expo on Thursday, August 6th at Hays, and also for wheat samples at your county fair, that may be eligible for the Kansas State Fair 4-H Crops Division. This year's participants who harvested their plots should be planning their county fair display for possible qualifying for the Kansas State Fair entry in the Showcase Building.