July 16, 2015
Host Family Needs for Inbound IFYEs Met
Thanks go to some wonderful families. All the hosts needed for five Kansas Inbound IFYEs (International 4-H Youth Exchangees) were on board before the first IFYEs arrived. We appreciate the agents who aided with the in-home interviews to their late May and June schedules to help vet these families for hosting. The following families were added since last month’s Tip Sheet was published: (A complete list of IFYE’s and hosts can be found on the Kansas 4-H.org web site, http://www.kansas4-h.org/p.aspx?tabid=586 .)
Ieuan Thomas, Wales, August 22-September 11—Ken and Barb Grecian, Graham County
Stefan Taschl, Austria, July 28-August 11—Merrill and Kathy Nielsen, Post Rock District, Lincoln County