February 14, 2018
How to find great, FREE marketing photos
I have had a lots of great feedback on the marketing templates and have seen so many of you using them – Great work! (If you don’t know what the marketing templates are, email me and I will make sure you are caught up to speed).
One of the most commonly asked questions I receive is about photos. Where to find K-State Research and Extension photos, where to find stock photos, where to find free images and what are the copyright rules to follow. Below is where I find photos to use on marketing pieces:
FREE Options
K-State Research and Extension Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/ksrecomm/
(to look up KSRE photos, use the magnifying glass at the top of the white area (about ¼ of the way down the page – this ensures you are looking within our photos, not all of Flickr)
4-H Grows Here marketing photos are now available on the K-State Research and Extension Flickr page. Search for 4-H/4-H Grows Here with KSRE photos or find 4-H Grows Here photo album.
Pexels – FREE stock photography: https://www.pexels.com
(free to download and free to use, no copyright laws)
Google Images filtered to “Free to Use or Share”
(Images – Settings – Advanced Search – Usage Rights – Free to Use or Share Flickr (general site) filtered to “All Creative Commons” (Drop down menu on left-hand side that says “Any License” change to “All Creative Commons”)
USDA Image Gallery: https://www.ars.usda.gov/oc/images/image-gallery/ (They do ask that you credit the photos by adding: Photo courtesy of USDA ARS. This can be included on top of the photo or directly underneath in the small, legible font)
Paid Options
iStock photo: https://www.istockphoto.com
(I like this website because you can set search to be as specific as you can imagine)
AgStock Images: http://www.agstockimages.com/sbp/
If you have other resources or websites you frequently use, I would love to hear about them!
If you have other resources or websites you frequently use, I would love to hear about them!