February 14, 2018
2018 Riley County Invitational 4-H Dog Bowl Open to All Counties
What: The Riley County 4-H Kennel Club is hosting an Invitational Dog Quiz Bowl for children ages 7-18
When: March 10th, 2018 – Check in starts at 8:30 am – the first round of competition starts at 9:00 am
Where: Pottorf Hall – Manhattan, KS
Registration: Registration closes on March 1st. The number of teams may be limited and priority will be given on the order in which registrations are received. Registration forms and questions should be directed to Chris Otto: ottoranch@gmail.com.
Entry Fee: Riley County 4-H Kennel Club members - $5 per team member. Non-members $10 per team member. Checks should be made out to: Riley County 4-H Kennel Club
For a copy of the flyer and registration form, visit: http://www.kansas4-h.org/events-activities/conferences-events/dog/local-dog-shows.html.