February 14, 2018
Hosting Deadline for Kids from Happiest Countries
Did you know that the 2017 happiest countries are Nordic countries--Norway, Denmark, Iceland and Finland. According to the World Happiness Report for last year, these countries plus Switzerland make up the top 5. Costa Rica ranked 12, two places ahead of the U. S. Wouldn't it be fun to find out what makes their lives so happy by hosting a 4-H'er from Finland or Costa Rica?
Kansas families with a member within two years of 15-18 are eligible to host them, but applications need to be approved by February 28. The Finns and Costa Ricans will be with host families June 26-July 22. To apply, go to http://www.kansas4-h.org/events-activities/global-citizenship/host-family-information/ and under "States'4-H International Exchange Programs Hosting", click on the link to the "2018 Application Process." Mary Kay Munson, Exchange Coordinator for these exchanges, will follow up to complete the application process.
Matches will be made at the national level. If Kansas applicant families don't have a match with a teen from Costa Rica or Finland, we will try to find a match with an IFYE or Japanese youth who will be in Kansas at different times throughout the summer. Mary Kay Munson may be reached at 785-238-3631 or munson@ksbroadband.net to provide assistance. (Families can apply to host and IFYE under the "IFYE Hosting" section of the 4-H Host Family page link above.)
Applications for Japanese youth (mostly ages 12-14) coming to Kansas July 21-August 18 are now available for placement. Go to the States' 4-H Host Family Application referenced above and complete the on line application. Rose Scott, Japan summer Inbound Exchange Coordinator, will follow up with those applying to host a Japanese boy or girl. Contact her at 785-388-2009 or sixtykid2@gmail.com.