December 16, 2019
2020 4-H Horse Panorama
Exciting news! The 2020 4-H Horse Panorama registration is open through Cvent. The registration link is Individuals are encouraged to register themselves before January 15, 2020. Once registered the local extension office will be invoiced. Please encourage registrants to pay the local office.
The 2020 4-H Horse Panorama is scheduled for January 24 – 26, at Rock Springs 4-H Center, a schedule of events is located at 2020 Tentative Schedule. 4-H Horse members are encouraged to register to participate in quiz bowl, hippology, presentations and more. All competitive events are open to those members that are age 9 as of December 31, 2019 and not past age 19 as of December 31, 2019. For more information check the rules at 2020 Contest Rules.
Horse Quiz Bowl encourages young people to develop knowledge of equine-related subject matter. This contest develops alertness, self-confidence, and knowledge in a competitive setting, surrounded by an attitude of friendliness and fairness.
Senior Quiz Bowl members need to sign-up as a team with all members age 14 by December 31, 2019. The senior teams will competitive in a double elimination bracket.
Open Quiz Bowl is available for all youth participants. Those youth registering for Open Quiz Bowl will be randomly put on teams with other youth from across the state for a fun, educational experience.
Hippology is an educational activity for youth who wish to demonstrate their knowledge of equine-related subject matter in a friendly, competitive setting. This contest enhances decision-making and provides an opportunity for the participants to work cooperatively with others.
4-H Horse Panorama offers learning for young and old! Don’t delay.