February 15, 2016
Enrollment Form Report
There is a 4HOnline report staff may run if they are interested in a pre-filled version of the paper enrollment form for their members.
This report is located in the Standard Directory in the Member folder and is titled "Member Re-enrollment Form Enrolling in the Current 4-H Year." There is a separate report for youth and adults. It is recommended to run this large report in queue, which allows you to continue working in 4HOnline as the report runs in the background.
1. Locate desired "Member Re-enrollment Form Enrolling in the Current 4-H Year" report
2. Right-click on the report name
3. Scroll down and select "Start PDF Job in Queue"
4. The report will appear on your Home page under Queued Reports and will be available once complete
5. Click on the report's name to open
6. Print