February 15, 2016
4-H Sportsfishing Tournament 2016
Submitted by Aliah Mestrovich Seay
KSU Extension 4-H Agents and 4-H Sportfishing Leaders,
Fishing season will be here before we know it and it is time to be getting the 2016 4-H Sportfishing Tournament information out statewide. All 4-H youngsters can participate in the tournament, they do not have to be enrolled in the Sportfishing project. The tournament runs from the time fishing starts in the spring until September 15. For the tournament rules and 2016 entry form, please contact me directly at bergkwf@wtciweb.com so that everyone can familiarize themselves with the requirements for participation.
There are 6 species categories where we can award ‘Angler of the Year’ certificates, these youngsters will receive $25 Walmart gift certificates along with a 4-H Sportfishing cap. All participants will also receive a cap as long as the cap supply holds out. This program costs around $200 per year for gift certificates and postage to send out awards. Currently there is no funding base for awards so donations are depended on to fund the program. We used to give out fishing poles, tackle boxes, and other fishing equipment but that got too costly to mail out statewide. I would appreciate any suggestions on a way to permanently fund this program. Awards are either sent directly to the youngsters or can be sent to the county/district to be presented to the youngsters at their fall Achievement Banquets.
The statewide 4-H Sportfishing Tournament is an ongoing program, having been conducted for over 10 years. Initially, it was conducted by a statewide Sportfishing Committee made up of Extension and Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks volunteers. That Committee is no longer in existence. Currently, I am keeping the program going because I feel it is important to keep the youngsters involved in the outdoors, fishing, and conservation! I am the Sportfishing project leader in the Post Rock 4-H District.
Tommie Berger
Statewide Sportfishing Tournament Coordinator & Retired KDWP Fisheries Biologist